How thiamine deficiency can undermine your ketogenic diet for mental health

I started a ketogenic diet for mental health. Why do I still feel so sick and still have symptoms? When you start a ketogenic diet for mental health, you may be beginning the diet with several micronutrient deficiencies that developed prior to the diet. Highly processed food intake, psychiatric medications, poor health, substance abuse, andContinue reading “How thiamine deficiency can undermine your ketogenic diet for mental health”

Ketogenic Diet for Bipolar Disorder

Can the ketogenic diet treat bipolar disorder? Mounting evidence supports the use of ketogenic diets for bipolar disorder because of the ketogenic diet’s ability to modify underlying pathological mechanisms such as brain hypometabolism, neurotransmitter imbalances, brain inflammation, and oxidative stress. There are numerous anecdotal reports, published case studies in peer-reviewed journals, articles reviewing the literatureContinue reading “Ketogenic Diet for Bipolar Disorder”

Can a ketogenic diet mediate the genetic influence of bipolar disorder?

Ketogenic diet mediate the genetic influence Is there a genetic component to bipolar disorder? There is definitely a genetic component to bipolar disorder. Hereditability is estimated to be between 60–85%. Some of the genes have been identified as important targets for pharmacological intervention. Ketones are active mediators in some of these gene pathways, either inContinue reading “Can a ketogenic diet mediate the genetic influence of bipolar disorder?”

Is curcumin an option for treating my depression without medication?

Can I treat my depression using curcumin instead of medication? You absolutely can use curcumin for depression. There have been several randomized-controlled trials showing effectiveness specifically for depression. Curcumin targets neuroinflammation which has a strong role in causing depressive symptoms. There are bioavailable forms of curcumin that people with depression can take for improved results.Continue reading “Is curcumin an option for treating my depression without medication?”

Are OPCs an option for treating depression without medication?

Are oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) a natural option for treating depression without medication? In psychiatric issues such as depression, the symptoms treated by the effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) include inflammation, oxidative stress, and neurodegeneration. They improve blood flow and nutrient availability to cells and increase the health of the blood-brain barrier. This allows less prohibitiveContinue reading “Are OPCs an option for treating depression without medication?”

Ketogenic Diets for ADHD

Ketogenic Diets for ADHD Can Keto Help ADHD? Ketogenic diets can help ADHD by treating several areas of underlying pathology identified as causing symptoms. These areas include glucose hypometabolism, neurotransmitter imbalances, low brain-derived neurotrophic factor, inflammation, and oxidative stress. A well-formulated ketogenic diet can also improve the nutrient status and treat cofactor insufficiencies seen inContinue reading “Ketogenic Diets for ADHD”